our story

The founding members of Hammock Community Church began meeting in private homes in 1947. On January 29, 1948, Mrs. Lillian Johnson deeded the land where the Church building sits in memory of her husband and son to the Trustees for ten dollars.  There was a stipulation that if a church was not built or ever abandoned, the property would revert back to the Johnson family. Construction began on the Chapel and was completed in 1954.  On June 27, 1958, the Trustees deeded the title of the land and all improvements to Johnson Memorial Chapel.

Loving supporters and many fund-raising events provided the funds for construction of the Sanctuary and then a Fellowship Hall.  The Fellowship Hall became the Community Center, a voting place, and the gathering place within the Hammock community.  A special bequest made it possible to add Sunday school rooms in 1966.  The cemetery adjacent to the Church was opened in 1981 for Church members and their families.   


Hammock Community Church was blessed with men of God, who have served the congregation with love.  Reverend Gerald Combs served as pastor from the date of incorporation until 1961 when he left the area briefly.  During his absence, Reverend Billy Babbitt from Flagler Beach filled the pulpit until Reverend Combs returned in 1962.  The Fellowship Hall bears his name to honor the loving inspiration provided to the Church during his 40 years of service. 


In August 1996, Rev. Harry J. Usher was called to serve our Church. Pastor Usher served until his retirement in late 2007.  It was during this time that the Church was expanded with construction of a larger sanctuary, a baptismal, and bell tower. 


The new Church was constructed and attached to the original Church. The Gerald Combs Fellowship Hall was completely renovated and physically appended to the new Church.  The new construction was dedicated the Hammock Community Church on October 22, 2006.  After the dedication, the original church building was renamed the Johnson Memorial Chapel


In spring 2008 Rev. Dr. Doran C. McCarty began serving as Senior Pastor to our congregation. Dr. McCarty retired in June 2017 and Rev. Dr. David Oertel served as the Interim Minister until the end of December 2017.  Hammock Community Church began 2018 with Rev. Dr. Bill Duke as our new Pastor. He served the congregation through most of the pandemic in 2020 when he retired. Rev. Dr. David Oertel once again served as the interim during the season in 2020-2021. In May 2021 the leadership of Hammock Community Church and its Membership extended the call to Rev. Vic Alvarado to become their next Pastor. On June 1, 2021 Pastor Vic began his ministry with us and completed his tenure in January 2023.  Pastor Mike VonMoss became the church's pastor on May 1, 2023.